AK Interactive Air Series: Early Israeli Air Force Acrylic Paint Set (4 Colors) 17ml Bottles
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AKI-2160This set includes the four colors that are indispensable for painting models of the aircraft used by the Israeli Air Force from the late 1940s until the late 1960s, including the specific color of Avia S-199 fighters sourced from Czechoslovakia. Our paints are not only historically accurate and specially formulated with top quality components; they also have been designed taking into account the scale reduction effect*. Our acrylic paints are ready to use straight from the bottle; simply shake, and the paint is ready to go. Dilution is not necessary when airbrushing AK acrylic paints; however, when painting camouflage or fine lines, add a few drops of our specially formulated thinner AK712. Useful for all acrylic paints, the AK712 improves the performance of the paint and is vastly superior to most other available thinners, resulting in a greater degree of coverage when applied by brush.
This set contains:
- AK2161 MNO 2036 Smalt Khaki Avion
- AK2162 RAL 5008 Grey-Blue (Graublau)
- AK2163 RAL 7044 Silk Grey (Seidengrau)
- AK2164 RAL 8008 Olive Brown (Olivbraun)
* A model aircraft reflects less light than an actual full-size aircraft; this means the color applied to the model must be of a lighter shade to look the same as the full sized version. If the same color tones were applied to each, the model would appear darker as it reflects less light.