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Dragon Military 1/35 M1A1 AIM Tank Kit

Dragon Military 1/35 M1A1 AIM Tank Kit


$51.95 $64.95
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- Most accurately shaped cupola on the market
- MG and ammo cradles made from separate parts for maximum detail
- Cupola with interior details
- Two types of turret roof ammo compartment panels
- Two types of wind sensors
- Wind sensor can be modeled in active or stowed position
- Newly tooled oil pan
- Realistically modeled turret body with accurate details top and bottom
- One piece slide molded bustle rack rails
- Photo-etched mesh floor for bustle rack
- Photo-etched Bustle Rack Extension
- Accurately depicted catch for holding hatch in open position
- Delicately modeled periscope on loader's hatch can rotate and includes a working cover
- Correctly modeled turret cable conduits
- First M1 kit ever to include accurate detail on the underside of the turret rack APU
- Accurat BFT system antenna
- Slide molded smoke discharger is realistically designed to point in six directions
- Smoke discharger storage box holds extra grenades and can open/close
- Two types of smoke grenades
- Realistic smoke discharger bracket
- Stowage boxes on both sides can be opened/closed

Gun & MG:

- Fully workable gun mount bracket is made from pre-formed metal parts
- Muzzle and turret sight are slide-molded
- Metal gun barrel w/ recoil action
- Barrel is made from fine multiple parts for greater detail
- Accurately modeled bolt details on underside of gun barrel
- Hinged protective cover for mantlet
- Gunbreech can be elevated to firing position
- Newly designed ammo belts for both M2 and M240 MGs
- MG feed cover can be opened to reveal interior slide molded details
- Photo-etched ammo bracket allows MG to be modeled without ammo box
- Separate ammo boxes with removable lid for MGs
- Two types of ammo cases
- GPS-LOS device with correctly patterned transparent parts to reveal electronics inside
- Cover for GPS-LOS device can be positioned open/ closed at an accurate angle

Upper Hull Armor Deck:

- Two types of driver's hatches available
- Driver's hatch can be assembled open/closed; with interior details
- Engine deck accurately designed for sequenced assembly, just like the real thing
- Photo-etched parts for engine deck grills
- Fuel caps can be assembled open/closed with fuel filler details
- Slide-molded emergency pull handle
- Photo-etched air intake grills are elevated for authentic look
- Slide-molded exhaust and air intake panels
- Exhaust and air intake grills are modeled as separate parts
- Newly designed exhaust deflector
- Taillight wiring assembly accurately modeled
- Two types of tow hooks
- Accurately designed NBC panels with superb details
- Accurately modeled heater air intake plug
- Headlight lenses have patterning on inside surface like the real thing
- Metal cables for front fender springs


- One-piece bottom hull uses a three-direction slide mold for ultimate detail
- New road wheels with accurate details on both sides
- Transparent oil gauge on wheels accurately modeled
- New suspension arms are the most accurate to date
- Newly designed sprocket with accurate details, complete with mud scraper
- New toothed suspension arm connections enable smaller increments when positioning wheels on uneven terrain
- Track tensioning rod is workable for accurate positioning of first suspension arms
- Newly designed suspension assembly
- Side skirt armor panels are scale thickness
- Movable side skirts work like the real thing
- Slide-molded skirt lifting hook with optional photo-etched part
- Workable tow bar assembly recreated in superb detail
- Tow bar assembly can be modeled in towing or stowed modes
- Accurately modeled rear tow ring
- Two types of hull air intakes with corresponding photo-etched grills
- Exhaust deflector can be made from photo-etched parts

BONUS parts:

- Photo-etched jerry can rack
- Photo-etched hinge cover plates for loader’s hatch
- Photo-etched cable mounts
- Optional cable heads w/o mounts
- Bonus slide-molded track connectors
- Bonus spare rubber pads for treads have detailed texture
- Bonus spare road wheel
- Photo-etched details for front fender hinges
- Optional replacement plate for mud scraper
- Optional round sprocket plate
- Photo-etched chains for fuel caps
- Bonus jerry cans (2 types)
- New Cartograf Decals

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